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Knight On A Black Stallion

"I love you! Marry me!"
"Give me three reasons why."
"I've a tragic history like your favourite fiction hero."
"Like what?"
"Well, I was bullied at school."
"Give me a better reason!"
"I saved your honour."
"That party, when I had just the shade of nail-gloss you wanted?"
"I'm a knight. Ain't I?"
"You don't have an armour."
"I got insurance."
"No gleaming sword."
"I got a plama-screen."
"Where's your black stallion?"
"I got a black limousine."
"You're crude."
"I love you."
"Go away."
"Be honest! I am your knight."
"Done. I'm going to ask your father, and we're marrying next week. It's not the same as a black horse, be we can still ride into the sunset in my car."


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